Sunday 11 December 2016

Jumping Sodium

Sodium, being a part of the group 1 elements, is one of the most reactive elements in the entire periodic table. Sodium is so reactive because it only has one valence electron, which it can lose very easily and become a cation. In this experiment, the man fills the test tube with regular water, then he adds a few drops of phenolphthalein (the creator of the video spelled this wrong) to act as a pH-indicator. Something to know about phenolphthalein, is that in a base solution, its color changes to pink. The man then shakes the test tube so that the two liquids will mix. He then adds some gasoline into the solution of water and phenolphthalein, naturally the gasoline rises and settles above the water-phenolphthalein solution. A piece of Sodium is added to the gasoline and water solution.
While in the tube, the sodium sinks because the density of the piece of sodium is more than the  gasoline, but then appears to jump because it forms hydrogen bubbles with the water. This experiment is really interesting, the sodium “jumps” in the gasoline while the water and phenolphthalein turns into a pink-purple color. I think this experiment is a great example of showing how different elements react with on another. Its amazing to see how one small piece of sodium creates an intriguing reaction with common things such as water and gasoline.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Physics Equipment part 2

13. insulated copper wire
Image result for insulated copper wire
14. Hooked weight
Image result for Hooked weight for physics lab
15.  LED for measuring the Plank's constant 
Image result for what is LED for physics lab
16. LDR for light dependent resistor 
 Image result for what is LDR for physics lab
17. DC motor 
Image result for DC motor for physics lab
18. capacitors 
Image result for capacitors for physics lab
19. diode 
Image result for diode for physics lab
20. vernier caliper
Image result for vernier caliper for physics lab
21. Micro meter
Image result for micrometer for physics lab

Physics equipment part 1

Since I am not that good in Physics....I thought I have to get some ideas of what students are gonna work on this year from grade 7 to grade 12 H and I.  Here are the name of equipment that might use.
1. Pulley
Image result for Pulley
2. Bi-metallic strips
Image result for bimetallic strip
3. Crocodile clip
Image result for crocodile clip
4. Protractor
Image result for protractor
5. Resistance box
Image result for resistance box
6. Analogue Ammeter
Image result for analogue ammeter
7. Analogue Voltmeter
 Image result for Analogue Voltmeter
8. Analogue Galvanometer
Image result for Analogue Galvanometer
9. multimeters, digital
Image result for multimeters
10.  alligator clips
Image result for alligator clips
11. electromagnet U-shape
 Image result for electromagnet U-type
12. Resistors (type)
Image result for resistor types

Sunday 4 September 2016

I learned today how to prepare Iodine in Potassium iodide. It is simple and easy. All you need is crystal iodine and Potassium iodide. Add 0.5 gram of Iodine and 0.5 gram of Potassium iodide, then dissolve it in 50 ml of distilled water. After that, still the solution until it is completely dissolved. At the end, u will get a brownish color of a mixture of Iodine in Potassium iodide.